Stamps & Postal History

10014 | ROC Junk stamps group of 53 tied by tomb-stone chops with place names of Lunghsian, Hsinning, Hsinchang, Yunghing, Fatshan etc. Hard to acquire. Please view

ROC Junk stamps group of 53 tied by tomb-stone chops with place names of Lunghsian, Hsinning, Hsinchang, Yunghing, Fatshan etc. Hard to acquire. Please view

Author: --

Size: --

Signed and dated: --


Final Price: RMB 3,000

ROC Junk stamps group of 53 tied by tomb-stone chops with place names of Lunghsian, Hsinning, Hsinchang, Yunghing, Fatshan etc. Hard to acquire. Please view